July 17, 2018 Press Release

Andrew Cuomo’s Astroturf Campaign

The Governor’s campaign finance report shows he is spending a lot on polling, and it’s telling him he needs to show he’s not a creature of Wall Street, only problem is….he is

NEW YORK, NY — Cynthia for New York released the following statement regarding Andrew Cuomo’s sham grassroots small dollar fundraising operation.

“The pathetic, transparent efforts by the Governor’s staff (and their roommates) to increase his number of small dollar contributions shows just how little public enthusiasm there is for Andrew Cuomo,” said Cynthia for New York spokeswoman Lauren Hitt. “Try as he might, there is no hiding that Cuomo is the candidate of Wall Street and the Winklevii.”

In a desperate attempt to drive up the number of small dollar donations and drive down the average contribution, seven percent of Cuomo’s small dollar donations came from the roommate of a Cuomo campaign staffer who donated in $1, $3, and $5 donations a total of 69 separate times. Even with that desperate attempt, the Governor didn’t manage to amass a significant number of small dollar contributions – less than 1 percent of all his donations were $200 or less. In six months, Cuomo received just 1,939 donations, with an average contribution of $3,017.09.  In less than four months, Cynthia Nixon received over 30,000 individual contributions, nearly 97% of which were small-dollar donations.

The Governor’s filing report also showed that he is very nervous about his primary challenge from Cynthia Nixon. In the last six months, he spent nearly everything he raised, including $100,000 on polling and nearly $2 million on ads.
