July 26, 2018 Press Release

VIDEO: Cynthia releases spoof on Governor’s recent ad, Proven Liar, Real Republican

NEW YORK,  NY – Today, Cynthia for New York released a new video, Proven Liar, Real Republican, spoofing the Governor’s recent ad, “Proven Leader, Real Results.” Cynthia for New York spokeswoman Lauren Hitt released the following statement on the new video.

“Governor Cuomo says he should be reelected because of his record, but when you actually take a look at what he’s done over the last two terms – whether it’s on subways, education, job creation, women’s health, or the corruption at the highest levels of his administration – it’s clear he should be disqualified from a third term. The Governor has taken money from Donald Trump and other billionaires on Wall Street and in real estate, and he’s governed like a Republican. He’s given his wealthy donors fat contracts and tax breaks, while the rest of us have been left to fight over the scraps. It’s time for New Yorkers to have a real progressive, who isn’t taking a cent from corporations.”

Cuomo’s Record of Lies…
New York Times Editorial Board: “No Matter the Verdict, Corruption Trial Taints Cuomo” [3/1/2018]

New York Times Headline: “Architect of Cuomo’s Buffalo Billion Project Is Convicted in Bid-Rigging Scheme” [7/12/2018]

Democrat & Chronicle: “Andrew Cuomo says he’s keeping Donald Trump’s campaign cash” [7/5/2018]

The Intercept: “Andrew Cuomo’s biggest donors rake in million from ICE” [7/12/2018]

Salon Headline: “Andrew Cuomo, fake Democrat” [11/19/2012]

National Review Headline: Cuomo the Conservative [2/2/2011]

And the Republican Results…
New York Post Headline: “Critics blast Cuomo’s free college-tuition plan as a sham” [2/5/2017]

The Week Headline: “How Andrew Cuomo broke the subway” [1/30/2017]

DNA Info: Cuomo’s Move to Protect Abortion Rights Isn’t Speedy Enough, Advocates Say [2/1/2017]
